Saturday, July 21, 2007

RWA Conference

With copies of BROMPTON MANOR supplied by Avalon Books, the publisher, I enjoyed the heady experience of sitting behind one of the long tables with my book on display during the literacy autographing at the RWA Conference.

I did not have the line that Nora Roberts gets each year, nor the line Sherrilyn Kenyon attracted. But Ms. Kenyon was wearing an eye catching head dress--a life-sized (at least it appeared life-sized) replica of a black swan. I do hope the swan was a replica and not the product of a taxidermist--anyway....

To my happy surprise--always--several people picked up my book to purchase. The attractive cover is a big draw and a super sales tool.

I'm not sure of the exact number of authors who participated this year, but for earlier years I have heard the number 400. This year's event raised $56,o00 from the sale of authors books--all donated. The proceeds are given to organizations whose purpose is to promote literacy.

I feel privileged to have been a part of this wonderful event.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Come Out Of Your Shell

Observe the turtle -

He only goes forward when he sticks out his neck.