Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Shag Dance Country

A week at the beach is the perfect cure for stress. And North Myrtle Beach, SC, the heart of shag dance country, is a great place to spend time at the ocean.

In my latest book, a sweet contemporary romance, BED AND BREAKFAST BLUES, shag dancing plays a big part in fostering the romance between the hero and a reluctant heroine.

You can buy the book, at a bargain price, at Amazon Books, or check to see if your library has a copy.

Happy reading. From my beach chair to yours.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Describing Smells

Outside my window, a man is cutting the grass. The distinct oder of new mown grass, brought inside by the ever active air conditioner, is difficult to describe.

How would I describe this smell if I wanted to convey it in a book? If a reader has experienced it, they wouldn't need additional information. But what if they hadn't?

Which brings to mind all the other smells one encounters. How to describe them? Sweet, acrid, sour, stink--are about as far as I get.

The smell of fresh cut grass doesn't fit any of those descriptive words. Pleasant, pleasing, eliciting a memory--maybe.

A memory like the time--I must have been around twelve--when I was cutting the grass--with a push mower--and  distrurbed a snake. Encountering a snake in the wild sends me into screaming shaking fits. I abandoned the mower on the spot and ran into the house.

Talking about snakes, there was the day I was riding my bike along our country road and spotted a Blue Racer in the center of the road--smashed across the pavement by a car. I got off my bike and stood there--several feet distant--and stared at it for a long time before deciding to turn around and not take a chance the snake wasn't as dead as it looked.

Hmm. Memories. Lots and lots of memories. And creating new ones every day.

Bargain sale on Amazon for Brompton Manor, Starting From Scratch, and Bed and Breakfast Blues.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Book Heros With Attitude

Here's is my review of the book I mentioned I was in the middle of reading. It ended with a bang.


I have to admit, I fell in love with Garrett Calder the minute I met him.

So defensive, so disdainful of others. Doesn't sound promising? Well the author made it all promising.

The heroine, Rachel Frye, no shrinking violet, but with issues of her own, is just the person to dig beneath his defensive wall and find the heart of gold and he is just the man to love her and teach her to let go.

Five whoops to the author.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Romance-What's It All About?

The heart of  romance writing is forcing two characters to let go of things keeping them from accepting the fact they are crazy in love.

Maybe it's a fear of being hurt, or a fear of giving up control, or a myriad of other things--both internal and external. But in the end, loving and being loved in return, oversets all their fears and all external obstacles.

And when we get to the end of their journey and close the covers of the book, we are positive they will never fall out of love.

Wherever you are at the moment in your life's journey, if things have gone well or gone awry, I wish you a happy tomorrow.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Swamped by Communications

If only I had a staff to read my e-mails and to post on facebook and twitter and this blog and keep everything up to date--and a cleaning lady and a chef. Oh what free hours I'd have to ponder the ways of the world.

To conserve my sanity--introverts need a lot of quiet time--I ignore most of it.

In my heart, I want to read all of my writer friends' books. I want to care if people are at the coffee shop or on some fab vacation. But too much is too much.

Most days, I don't even answer the phone.

And that isn't to say I'm free of guilt about it all.

Carry on all you communicators. Just don't expect me to respond.

Currently reading a promising book. Will blog about it if it ends as good as it begins.

Raising my voice from between the covers.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Latest Book

THE TIES THAT BIND, by Emilie Rose

I'm not much of a romance series reader, but this is a great heartwarming story. I do scan my way through the intimate scenes--I already know what happens--: )--so I don't need a primer. But this story also has a well-developed plot outside of the mutual sexual attraction and well-drawn characters.  Highly recommend.

I also finished re-reading SYLVESTER by Georgette Heyer--one of my favorites. I need to put in an order for a few of her books missing from my library. I order them from Amazon which is a grand convenience--Sourcebooks has re-issued many of them, if not all--something I need to check. Lovely covers and trade paperback size.

I harvested enough basil to make a batch of pesto, divided it up, and froze it. Still debating about making a batch of sage pesto. Since I'm trying to keep my daily carb count low, pasta is not on my menus. I've repalced it with spaghetti squash for spaghetti and meatballs (not too bad) and with super thin slices of zuchinni for lasagna (which is a very good substitute). My next try is figuring out how to get zucchini into spaghetti like strands to see if it makes a better substitute for real spaghetti than spaghetti squash.

Watching the next Food Network Star with semi-interest. Not sure any of the contestants this year stand out for me. And not sure I'm a big fan of their new set up. Trying to rattle them with pre-set-up disasters last night during their live demo's seemed cruel.

I do hope the sandwich guy who won last year will be back in the fall in a better time slot. And Rachel Ray's show where she makes a week's worth of meals in one hour....who can watch it in the FN time slot?

It's Monday....the day of the week when being extra productive for the week seems possible!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Tropical Heat Wave

My bedroom last night got pretty warm and not in a good way.

It's one hundred plus degrees and the heat pump for the main house has given up. A ceiling fan and a portable fan made sleeping possible--if not exactly comfortable.

My heart goes out to those in other parts of the country who have been without electricity during this heat wave.

Fortunately, we have two added rooms to the main house (one of which is my office) that are cooled and heated by a separate heat pump which is still sending out cold air....cross my fingers.

I now have a greater admiration for our ancestors who got through hot summers and cold winters before the blessing of today's modern equipment.

Dreaming of Iceland.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Red, White, and Blue

July 4th--a time to reflect on this wonderful country and the liberty we enjoy because of the men who defied England.

Of all the holidays we celebrate, Christmas is number one and July 4th is the second most meaningful for me.

Stay cool and have fun.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Best Day of the Week For Me

My vote goes to Tuesday--when I sense, regardless of what happened on Monday, I can still accomplish a lot for the week.

Monday is a pressure day after the weekend. Get busy it shouts. Wednesday is a sigh day. Half-way to Friday and what do you have to show for it. Thursday is the day when whatever goal I had for the work week is close to being done or not so close. On Friday I say good job or shrug and say there's always next week.

Procrastination is my strong suit.

Check out Avalonauthors.blogspot. The multi-author novel has one more chapter to go to wrap it up. All of the chapters, written by a different author who had to take their clues from the previous chapters, are available to read.