Thursday, November 8, 2007

Libraries are Fun

The 2007 Holiday season is fast approaching--not to mention my birthday--! I have much to celebrate and be thankful for this year.

In October the Durham County Library held a Romance Tea.The Heart of Carolina published Regency Writers were invited to make up a panel. It was a super day. The guests who came out on a beautiful Sunday afternoon were full of questions and fun. I displayed a copy of BROMPTON MANOR and then donated it as a prize.

On Monday, I received a call from a librarian from Apex who was given my name by one of their librarians who met me at the ALA conference. I have been invited to partcipate in their brown bag lunch event on February 14.

As a long time fan of libraries, I am delighted the publication of BROMPTON MANOR by Avalon Books has provided me with these opportunities.

Among my most pleasurable memories of early childhood are a memory of sitting at a school desk and discovering I could read the words in a Dick and Jane primer and the day I first remember walking into the children's section of my hometown public library and thinking I had entered a land of enchantment.

In my adult life, as my family moved around the country, one of the first things I looked for in every new community was the nearest public library. Each of my four daughters are avid readers and have passed this joyous endeavor on to their children.

Having more and more research books available on the internet is a great benefit, but I am hopeful ink, paper and glue books never disappear.

But whatever is ahead, I look forward to the challanges and the joys.