Friday, January 4, 2013

Crossing the Threshold of 2013

Odd number, thirteen. Considered unlucky. But I feel upbeat about 2013.

And am happy to say goodbye to 2012 which was a year filled with overwhelming tragedy for so many.

All of my books are available for Kindle and in paperback at a reasonable price which makes me happy. No new contracts signed, but I am writing and hope to send out one or two out for consideration before long.

Family filled up our holiday calender with one more celebration to go.

I even managed to sort through and toss out a lot of clutter. Not that there isn't plenty of unnecessary stuff still hanging around. Like cookbooks and recipe magazines but am reluctant to get rid of them. I seldom use them anymore except for recipes I've tried and liked and want to repeat.

The internet is so great for cooking. I love putting ingredient(s) I need to use up in the search box and seeing what recipes come up.

Have been reading a couple of new Georgette Heyer books. Her books are lengthy but she does not waste pages with things unimportant to the plot and she keeps her characters in character.

Wishing a bountiful new year to all.