Thursday, September 15, 2011

Promises and Promise

Well, after promising to get my poor heroine out of the dungeon, she's still there. Stuck. Because I have been doing other things.

Guilt weighs on my shoulders.

But who can write, when the view out the front window is the Atlantic Ocean? Not I. And that was my view for the last three days.

"But, I've been stuck in this dank dark place with no window for weeks," shouts my heroine.

Remorse roils my heart. "Soon. It won't be much longer," I reply.

For some reason  which I cannot imagine, or perhaps in a moment of insanity, I agreed to speak to a group. Standing alone before an audience and talking for x number of minutes, is not a comfortable spot for me. Trying to figure out what to say to them has consumed my time for the last three weeks--except during the blissful three days I just spent at the Ocean.

I'm crazy about the Ocean.

And it didn't disappoint.

From my boogie board to yours.