Monday, November 4, 2013

November. My birthday month. A family gathering is planned. Lot of years under the bridge, so to speak. A lot of good memories to warm my heart.

I came across a chocolate pound cake recipe in an old Southern Living magazine. I will be baking it for my birthday cake. If it tastes as good as it sounds on paper, I will share it here.

Hard to go wrong with chocolate anything.

Growing up in Michigan, most years my friends and I would be wearing sweaters and warm jackets this time of year. But in the area of North Carolina I now call home, long sleeves and long pant legs this time of year are usually enough to keep warm.

Today being an exception.

I'm working on a series of  Regency set novellas. I hope to have them ready to publish no later than June of 2014.

From the world of 1814 to the world of 2014. The nature of man remains the same.

Wishing you all a great fall.
